By regularly monitoring air quality, you can identify unhealthy indoor conditions and take direct action to create a healthier environment.
Can be used directly and everywhere, no high investments necessary. Make your building "smart".
Through the CO2 traffic light children will learn from an early age to pay attention to air quality and to ventilate regularly.
of the six indoor climate parameters: CO2, air temperature, humidity, volume, brightness, air pressure.
Current and historical building data is stored in the cloud and made available for further analysis (server located in Germany).
makes the CO2 concentration in the room equally visible to all users.
Comply with and demonstrate occupational safety regulations for employee retention and recruitment.
Fresh air at the right time and the right signals from RYSTA promote productivity and a sense of community.
Understanding the importance of spatial and global climate early on helps protect yourself, others and the planet.
With the help of the data, redesigns and targeted renovations can be initiated, which has a positive effect on the distribution of (often tight) budgets.
Awareness of irregularities coupled with data-based optimization approaches.
Changed behaviors combined with sound indoor climate data have a positive impact on energy balance and spending.
Using RYSTA Protect is very easy. We show you what you want and should know about your buildings - and then do the rest.
RYSTA Protect will change with the times - just as the world changes. In the future, we will continue to follow your needs in our planning. Thus, we plan the integrative use of RYSTA data with other technologies, e.g. smart heating systems. We work hand in hand with you - now and in the future.
As a climate-friendly and future-oriented company, you increase your positive external perception and image
Past and real-time data, insights and notifications on desktop, for Android & iOS.
The RYSTA air quality index gives a fixed reading to measure the indoor air quality in your building.
Get insights and sound space utilization data to best manage your available space.
Good air quality has been proven to help reduce the transmission of pathogens and improve health. As a result, you sustainably reduce absences due to illness.