The smart room climate sensor for good air in schools


Our mission for best indoor climate

Indoor air control as a new benchmark of modern building management

RYSTA Protect uses the latest smart technologies to create a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. Thanks to the integrated sensor technology, the air in the room is monitored around the clock and you are informed when and how long you need to ventilate - thus simultaneously fulfilling ESG criteria and creating ideal working and living conditions in your building.

Energy balance and room climate
Reduced energy and heat loss in all rooms

In times of energy crisis and climate change, it is particularly important to pay attention to the optimal use of heat and energy. Especially in the cold months, ventilation is often done haphazardly, wasting valuable resources. Thanks to the simple traffic light system, RYSTA Protect shows you in real time when the ideal moment to ventilate is. With the help of the RYSTA Dashboard and the analysis, a learning process can be expected here, which also pays off in the long term for a better energy balance - and incidentally, optimal ventilation also helps to improve air quality and reduces the risk of infection. In addition, five other measured values such as air temperature and humidity are recorded.

Using Smartphone, Laptop oder Tablet: Thanks to the interactive dashboard you always have all room climate data in view

Better indoor climate, more productive learning and working
Create ideal conditions for your school

RYSTA Protect protects teachers and students from virus transmission at school - especially during the cold and heating season in fall and winter. This offers more safety, contributes to health protection and helps to create better learning and working environments. After all, quiet, concentration and good air promote valuable learning time - and increase everyone's productivity and satisfaction.

More transparency and safety in schools

The "black box" school building is a thing of the past. Install our RYSTA Protect solution and get full transparency on indoor climate data, space utilization and energy saving potential and keep an eye on the problem of mold growth.

Good air quality in all rooms

Monitor and improve the air quality in your school to ensure a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty and staff.

Discrete indication by CO₂ traffic light

With the discreet visual indication of the integrated CO2 traffic light, you are immediately informed when the CO2 concentration is too high. Without disturbing the lesson.

ESG & energy saving measures

Create the basis for reporting temperature reductions and CO₂ savings for various regulations. Because climate change affects us all.

Customer References

“It's good that we can all see on the sensors when it's time to ventilate. In this way, teachers and students together pay attention to when it is time to ventilate. RYSTA is very valuable for this, so that we do not freeze unnecessarily and waste energy.

Matthias Vetter

Schiller-Gymnasium Potsdam

"Intelligent building technology is essential for energy-conscious households, regardless of the current situation. The RYSTA sensors are also interesting for the change of seasons in spring and autumn, when we have an intermediate situation between warm and cold. The detection of open windows or a closed high heating is particularly important in times of climate change."

Andreas Mohry

Founding Principal
Schiller-Gymnasium Potsdam

„Bereits der erste Test mit Sensoren in vier Klassenzimmern hat uns gezeigt, wie individuell man lüften muss. Sogar das Alter der Kinder spielt eine Rolle: Jüngere Kinder verbrauchen weniger Luft als ältere. Das war uns so gar nicht bewusst. Außerdem fügt sich das Lüften mit der Ampel gut in den Unterricht ein. Die Klassen berichten, dass sie rechtzeitig aufmerksam werden und auch mitten im Unterricht störungsfrei und ohne Hektik handeln können – egal ob Kinder oder LehrerInnen, das passiert Hand in Hand.“

Reinhold Bitsch

Anni-Pickert-Schule Poing

"Die sehr überzeugende technische Sensorausstattung und gerade auch für die SchülerInnen leicht mitzuverfolgende Sensorsignalgebung zur Raumluftverbesserung haben uns sofort überzeugt. Als Kämmerin natürlich auch die sehr überschaubaren Kosten des Projekts.​ Frische Luft ist das Beste, um gesund lernen, arbeiten... leben zu können.​"

Martina Schlanke

Gemeindeverwaltung Niedergörsdorf